As seen in the Sunday Journal – May 25, 2014 Getting Married Has Its Financial Benefits By Jonathan Clements Click Here to Read The Wall Street Journal Article! In this article James sits down with Jonathan Clements of The Wall Street Journal to discuss the advantages for Same-Sex Couples to get married and the differences between running out of money in retirement and being financially secure.
Jim Nabors Saved $4.8 Million in Taxes By Marrying His Husband
/in Estate Planning, Retirement, Same Sex Couples News, Same-Sex Marriage, Taxes /by James LangeJim Nabors: Actor, Singer, and Comedian On November 30, 2017, Jim Nabors, perhaps most famous for his role as Gomer Pyle, died at the age of 87. Jim is survived by his husband Stan Cadwallader, whom he married in 2013. Their marriage came one month after same-sex marriages became legal in Washington State. It is […]

Industry Insights with James Lange
James Lange offers some retirement planning advice for same-sex couples.
News Releases:
*NEW* Trusts & Estates
In late August of 2014, Trusts & Estates magazine published a peer reviewed article on Optimizing Social Security Benefits for Unmarried Couples, Quantifying the Financial advantages of Marriage. This article examines the benefits of being married with respect to IRAs, retirement plans and estate planning.
Click here to read full story
Worth Magazine
Jim Lange’s new book and revamped website continues his mission to help married Same-Sex couples Retire Secure! As seen on over 180 websites including Yahoo! Finance, Marketplace Radio,, Chicago Business News, San Francisco Business Journal, Miami Herald and Worth Magazine.
Click here to read full story
Philadelphia Gay News
Jim was interviewed in Philadelphia Gay News about his newest book Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples. Writer Jen Colletta says, “Lange’s “Retire Secure: For Same-Sex Couples” hit shelves May 10th and follows the same vein as some of his other books by providing step-by-step, easy-to-digest information on maximizing your financial situation. His latest work is geared toward same-sex couples living in a post-Windsor world.”
Click here to read the full story
Yalman Onaran, Bloomberg News on Retire Secure! For Same-Sex Couples:
“After reading this book, and as the landscape changed radically in the past year, I realize we’ve made a great financial decision as well. Because my husband is back in school to change his career, we get a marriage bonus in our taxes. But even when we start paying the tax penalty as his income resumes, I calculate we’ll still come out on top in the long run. So OK, you still have to first take love into consideration. But if finance is also playing into your decision, Lange’s book should be at the top of your reading list.”
Ed Slott on Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples:
“Jim provides a comprehensive road map to all the new retirement and estate planning strategies that were not previously available to same-sex couples. But they are now, and couples who wish to take advantage of them to enhance their options, increase their wealth, cut their taxes and live with financial security should dive into this gem.”
Evan Wolfson is a civil rights lawyer, founder of, one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People Alive today. The Lange Money Hour with Evan Wolfson is now available on our archive.
Click Play Below to Listen to the Interview with Evan Wolfson.
Real Money with David Holland of Holland Financial sat down with Jim Lange to discuss retirement strategies along with his new book Retire Secure! For Same-Sex Couples.
Click Play Below to Listen to the Interview.
Click Play Below to Listen to the Interview with Jim Lange About New IRA and Social Security Strategies for Same-Sex Couples as heard on The Lange Money Hour: Where Smart Money Talks.
We are proud to serve Pittsburgh’s LGBT community. OutEstatePlanning was the first LGBT estate planning website in Pittsburgh, first established in 2002.