Same-Sex Couples Nearing Retirement: Get Married

If you're a same-sex couple in a long term committed relationship and are nearing retirement, get married. Yalman Onaran of Bloomberg News discussed this issue with James Lange of the Lange Financial Group, LLC and had this to say: “That's the simple advice that emerges from a new book by James Lange, a certified public […]

An Update For Our Pennsylvania Readers

On May 20, 2014, the gay marriage ban in Pennsylvania was overturned by U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III.  In addition, Pennsylvania will now recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states that recognize same-sex marriage.  Governor Tom Corbett has announced that he will not appeal the decision, and for the first time in the […]

Married vs. Unmarried for Retirement Years

Introduction There were two identically situated same-sex couples: they had the same amount of money, invested identically, and spent identically too.  There was only one big difference: the first couple did not read Retire Secure! For Same-Sex Couples and plan for their future using our advice, but the second couple did. The first couple’s plan: don’t […]