Jim Nabors Saved $4.8 Million in Taxes By Marrying His Husband

How Jim Nabors saved $4.8 Million in taxes by marrying his husband. Courtesy of OutEstatePlanning.com

Jim Nabors: Actor, Singer, and Comedian

On November 30, 2017, Jim Nabors, perhaps most famous for his role as Gomer Pyle, died at the age of 87.  Jim is survived by his husband Stan Cadwallader, whom he married in 2013. Their marriage came one month after same-sex marriages became legal in Washington State.

It is quite eye-opening to look at the tax consequences of their decision to get married; Mr. Nabors died with a $13M estate.  The terms of his will are not public, but for the sake of argument let’s assume he left his estate to his husband. Because of the marriage, no Federal or Hawaiian estate or inheritance taxes are due at death because of the unlimited marital deduction.

Smart Estate Planning

If Jim and Stan had remained unmarried partners the payout to the Government would have been astronomical. A $3,000,000 payment in federal estate taxes alone is bad enough. A payment of over $1,800,000 in Hawaiian inheritance taxes would add a total of $4,800,000 in total taxes. These numbers don’t include the income taxes that will be saved because of the longer “stretch” a spouse receives on an inherited IRA or retirement plan.

The moral of the story is that for many life-long partners, gay or straight: Get Married for the Money.  Obviously the decision to marry hinges on more than whether marriage is a financially strategic move. But if you are simply avoiding the formalities, it might make sense to think about the long-term tax consequences on your financial security—for both you and your partner. Marriage is usually a big plus for purposes of Social Security, especially if one partner has a much stronger earnings record than the other partner.

More Information Is Always Available

For more information visit www.outestateplanning.com.To schedule an interview with Jim Lange, please call his office at 412-521-2732. You can always contact Jim at jim@paytaxeslater.com.

James Lange, CPA/Attorney of Lange Financial Group, LLC, is the author of several books on retirement and estate planning, including Live Gay, Retire Rich.  His books on retirement strategies have been endorsed by Charles Schwab, Larry King, Jane Bryant Quinn, Ed Slott, and many more.  He hosts a weekly financial show on KQV News Radio in Pittsburgh. PA.


Live Gay, Retire Rich is Now Available on Amazon!

Live Gay Retire Rich by James Lange

I’m excited to inform you that my latest edition of Live Gay, Retire Rich, endorsed by the top IRA, Social Security, and legal experts in the country, is now available on Amazon. http://amzn.to/1LAIbAY

Live Gay, Retire Rich! is the Second Edition of Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples, now updated to include the positive holding of the Supreme Court Case Obergefell v. Hodges and its implications.

For example:

There were two gay couples with identical financial resources.  They each had the same amount of money, identical investments, identical taxes, and identical earnings history for Social Security purposes.   The first couple didn’t do any planning. The second couple followed the advice offered in Live Gay, Retire Rich! Using reasonable assumptions, the first couple runs out of money in 28 years while the second couple has $1.4 million and their portfolio continues to grow.

What was the difference? The first couple didn’t follow our advice; the second couple did. The first couple never got married, started receiving Social Security benefits at 62, didn’t make any Roth IRA conversions, and didn’t use key IRA and retirement plan estate planning strategies recommended in Live Gay, Retire Rich!  The second couple did get married, used our recommended apply and suspend technique for Social Security, did a series of Roth IRA conversions, and used the key IRA and retirement plan estate planning strategies we recommend.

I strongly urge you to pick up my new book on Amazon. http://amzn.to/1LAIbAY.


James Lange

P.S. Our assumptions include a Social Security technique, apply and suspend, that may not be available for much longer. Get your copy today and find out if this strategy could work for you, before it’s too late!


Praise for Live Gay, Retire Rich!:

This is an exciting time to be part of the LGBTQ community in America and it also is an important moment to take advantage of the financial opportunities that are now available to us. Jim Lange’s book Live Gay, Retire Rich! is an easy-to-understand and valuable tool that will help us navigate the financial waters and successfully plan for our future.
Billie Jean King, Founder, Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative

Jim has generously pledged the proceeds from this book to Freedom to Marry and naturally, I appreciate that. But what I really appreciate is his bringing his expertise to bear on helping the couples for whom we have already won the freedom to marry.
Evan Wolfson (from the foreword), Founder and President, Freedom to Marry, A national campaign dedicated to marriage equality for same-sex couples

Jim provides a comprehensive road map to all the new retirement and estate planning strategies that were not previously available to same-sex couples. But they are now, and couples who wish to take advantage of them to enhance their options, increase their wealth, cut their taxes and live with financial security should dive into this gem.
Ed Slott, CPA, America s IRA Expert

Jim Lange has written a wonderful book for all committed couples same-sex or opposite sex who are considering marriage. Once you reach retirement age, marriage becomes the best way of preserving income and wealth for the partner who survives.
Jane Bryant Quinn, Columnist, AARP and Editorial Director, Daily Voice Author, Making the Most of Your Money NOW

Additional testimonials from Burton Malkiel, Kaye Thomas, Jan Cullinane, Mel Lindauer, Brian Tracy, and Sidney Kess and more information about Live Gay, Retire Rich available at www.outestateplanning.com. ____________________________________________________________________________

About Jim Lange

James Lange, CPA/Attorney has been helping same-sex couples since 2002.  He is a nationally recognized Roth IRA and retirement plan distribution expert and understands the best techniques for married couples to get the most out of Social Security.  The combination of his financial expertise as well as an understanding of the changing legal status of same-sex marriage makes Jim the logical person to write Live Gay, Retire Rich which can now be purchased at http://amzn.to/1LAIbAY

He’s also the best-selling author of the first and second edition of Retire Secure! with dozens of testimonials from the nation’s top IRA, investment, and estate planning experts and The Roth Revolution: Pay Taxes Once and Never Again.

Jim’s recommendations have appeared 35 times in The Wall Street Journal, 23 times in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The New York Times, Newsweek, Money magazine, Smart Money and Reader’s Digest. His articles have appeared in The Journal of Retirement Planning, Financial Planning, The Tax Adviser (AICPA), and other top publications.  His article, Optimizing Social Security Benefits for Unmarried Couples, was just published in Trusts & Estates magazine.


At Last! Legal Gay Marriage States are Nationwide

Out Estate Planning, Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling, James Lange“Today, we can say in no uncertain terms that we have made our union a little more perfect.” – President Obama from the White House, June 26, 2015.

In a historic 5-4 vote today, The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued a ruling making gay marriage states legal nationwide. The day does not appear to be happenstance, either. On June 26, 2003 SCOTUS struck down the sodomy laws, in June 26, 2013 SCOTUS struck down DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act), and today Justice Kennedy joined by Justices Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan delivered a beautifully human, and well thought out opinion for the majority ending states abilities to ban gay marriage.

Here is an excerpt from that groundbreaking opinion:

“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their pleas is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The constitution grants them that right.”

It is so ordered.

While this is a huge coup for human and civil rights, many people do not realize the huge potential for LGBT couples to now gain the financial equality they have long been denied.

Our very own Jim Lange, has been talking about this potential financial equality for years, and advising his LGBT clients to take advantage of the opportunities that become available to them when marriage is a possibility.

His newest book on the subject, Live Gay, Retire Rich! is available for pre-order now at Amazon.com – http://amzn.to/1LAIbAY.

With the Freedom to Marry comes Enormous Financial Benefits for Same-Sex Couples

Jim recently went to San Antonio, Texas to be on Great Day San Antonio where he discussed the financial benefits for same-sex couples who get married.

With the Supreme Court’s decision on the freedom to marry set to occur any day now, it is important to take a moment and assess what this means for the LGBT community from a perspective that most aren’t talking about: the new financial benefits and security for you and your partner.

To watch this interview click here or press play below.

Jim Lange’s new book Live Gay, Retire Rich is set for release in July 2015. To pre-order your copy of the book click here. Jim will also be hosting a retirement and estate planning workshop for the LGBT community in Pittsburgh on July 11th. You can learn more or register for the workshop here.

James Lange is interviewed by Paul Mireles of Great Day San Antonio about what motivated him to write a book about the financial benefits for same-sex couples who get married.

LGBT Couples Need New Financial Advice!

James Lange, CPA/Attorney, highlights potential financial benefits available to LGBT couples who marry

Pittsburgh – April 28, 2015 –The United States Supreme Court is hearing arguments today on the issue of marriage equality. This historic case should be decided by June.

The two likely possibilities of the decision are:

  1. Supreme Court says all states have to offer same-sex couples the right to marry.
  2. Supreme Court says all states have to recognize marriages performed outside their state.

In either case, all states will likely have to recognize same-sex marriage, even if the couple has to travel to get married in a state that does recognize same-sex couples and then return home.


Retire Secure! For Same-Sex Couples Cover 7x10-2According to James Lange, a best-selling author, Certified Public Accountant, attorney and president of Pittsburgh-based Lange Financial Group, there are potential benefits that many people know about including the “marriage bonus” when preparing tax returns and health benefits being extended to new spouses. But what many people do not consider are 2 enormous financial benefits of marriage for couples who are 60 and over:

1. Marriage can increase your Social Security benefits: There are options to increase your total household Social Security benefits when you are married. Spousal benefit rules impact a couple while both are alive, and the survivor benefit available is impactful after one spouse passes. Over time, the difference can be hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars. This could be even more important if one spouse has a strong earnings record and the other spouse does not.

The graph below shows the difference between a couple not getting married and taking their Social Security benefits at age 62, versus getting married and utilizing a technique called Apply & Suspend for their Social Security. The difference is going broke in your 90s versus having more than $2 million. Image1


2. For purpose of inheriting money, most states and the federal government impose less inheritance and income taxes on assets left to a spouse than on assets left to a non-spouse. After Windsor (a previous case), however, the IRS will recognize same-sex marriages for federal income and estate tax purposes as long as the couple was married in a state that recognizes same-sex marriages. This makes transfer of assets between a married LGBT couple much easier than between a non-married couple.

Lange warns, however, that there could be some drawbacks including the potential health care liability of getting married, and the so called “marriage penalty” that may affect some taxpayers. He encourages same-sex couples that are currently marriage or weighing the benefits of marriage to read his book, Retire Secure for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich, in which he details recommendations for the issues mentioned herein and so many more.

Lange’s book lays recommendations in a convincingly detailed yet surprisingly easy-to-follow fashion and is available to purchase through www.outestateplanning.com.

About James Lange

James LangeJames Lange, CPA/Attorney started the first exclusive LGBT estate planning website in Pittsburgh, in 2002. Jim is a nationally-known Roth IRA and retirement plan distribution expert. He’s also the best-selling author of the first and second edition of Retire Secure! and Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples. With over 30 years of experience, Jim and his team have drafted over 1,995 wills and trusts with a focus on flexibility and meeting the unique needs of each client.

Jim’s recommendations have appeared 35 times in The Wall Street Journal, as well as the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The New York Times, Newsweek, Money magazine, Smart Money and Reader’s Digest. His articles have appeared in Trusts and Estates magazine, The Journal of Retirement Planning, Financial Planning, The Tax Adviser (AICPA), and other top publications.

To learn more, or sign up for their newsletter, visit www.outestateplanning.com

The Essence of Retire Secure For Same-Sex Couples – Part 5

This 9 part blog post series discusses along with graphs the essence of my book Retire Secure! For Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich.

Retire Secure! for Same Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich quantitatively compares various courses of action. For those who don’t want to read through the explanation and detail, just looking at the 9 graphs could provide critical information with a minimum of reading effort. Please be aware that the recommendations beneath each figure will be advantageous in most situations, but not for everyone.

Starting Social Security Benefits At 62 Years Old vs. 70 Years Old



Independent of getting married, it’s better to wait until 70 to take
Social Security than electing to take Social Security at 62.

The graph shows the total of all Social Security benefits received, plus interest, by two different people with identical earnings records. One begins collecting Social Security at age 62 and the other begins collecting at age 70.

Your benefit will be 76% plus the cost of living adjustment larger if you wait until age 70 to start collecting Social Security, as compared to starting at 62. The longer you live, the more you may need that larger benefit.


The Essence of Retire Secure For Same-Sex Couples – Part 4

This 9 part blog post series discusses along with graphs the essence of my book Retire Secure! For Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich.

Retire Secure! for Same Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich quantitatively compares various courses of action. For those who don’t want to read through the explanation and detail, just looking at the 9 graphs could provide critical information with a minimum of reading effort. Please be aware that the recommendations beneath each figure will be advantageous in most situations, but not for everyone.

Inheriting a Second Generation IRA From a Married Parent vs. an Unmarried Parent




Estate planning: Get married to provide maximum assets for your children or other heirs after both you and your partner die.

This graph shows the difference to the eventual heir depending on whether the person leaving him the IRA had married vs. had not gotten married. Tax laws favor the married couple when one of the spouses dies, allowing the surviving spouse to “pay taxes later.” In addition to this advantage, tax laws favor heirs of a married couple. When the surviving spouse dies, his heir is permitted to “stretch” the IRA and “pay taxes (much) later.”

Tax laws penalize the unmarried couple. The first time an IRA is inherited by a non-spouse, the unmarried partner is forced to “pay taxes sooner.” The rules are even less favorable for the surviving partner’s heir, forcing him to “pay taxes (much) sooner.” Don’t Pay Taxes Now, Pay Taxes Later—even after both you and your partner/spouse are gone.

The Essence of Retire Secure For Same-Sex Couples – Part 3

This 9 part blog post series discusses along with graphs the essence of my book Retire Secure! For Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich.

Retire Secure! for Same Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich quantitatively compares various courses of action. For those who don’t want to read through the explanation and detail, just looking at the 9 graphs could provide critical information with a minimum of reading effort. Please be aware that the recommendations beneath each figure will be advantageous in most situations, but not for everyone.

Inheriting an IRA From a Spouse vs. an Unmarried Partner




Estate planning: Get married to provide maximum IRA and retirement plan assets for your partner after your death.

This graph shows the total assets for two individuals who each inherit a $1,000,000 IRA at the age of 72—one inherits from his spouse and the other from his unmarried partner. The tax laws will allow a surviving spouse to keep the money growing tax-deferred much longer than they allow for a surviving partner. Under the projected law changes for Inherited IRAs, the scenario is even worse for the unmarried survivor. Getting married allows your surviving spouse to pay taxes later than if you stayed unmarried. Don’t Pay Taxes Now, Pay Taxes Later—even after you die.

The Essence of Retire Secure For Same-Sex Couples – Part 2

This 9 part blog post series discusses along with graphs the essence of my book Retire Secure! For Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich.

Retire Secure! for Same Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich quantitatively compares various courses of action. For those who don’t want to read through the explanation and detail, just looking at the 9 graphs could provide critical information with a minimum of reading effort. Please be aware that the recommendations beneath each figure will be advantageous in most situations, but not for everyone.

Benefits of Spending After-Tax Savings
before IRAs and Other Retirement Assets

It’s generally best to spend assets in this order:

1) After-Tax Savings

2) Traditional IRA and Retirement Assets.

Of course at age 70 you will have to take money out of your IRA. Given a choice, however, you should spend your after tax savings first. You will have more money if you keep your money growing tax-deferred for as long as possible. Don’t Pay Taxes Now, Pay Taxes Later—when you are retired in the distribution stage.

Stay tuned next week where I’ll discuss Inheriting an IRA From a Spouse vs. an Unmarried Partner.  If you are interested in seeing if you qualify for a free consultation please fill out the form on this page https://outestateplanning.com/what-we-do/ or give us a call at 412-521-2732.

– James Lange

Celebrate New Legal Rulings with a Free Same-Sex eBook!

LGBT Ally James Lange, an author and CPA/Attorney, Celebrates New Legal Rulings by Offering a Free E-Book for Same-Sex Couples Across the Nation.  

Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich is endorsed by the top IRA, Social Security, and legal experts in the country and available as a FREE download for a limited time at www.samesex-equalrights.com

PITTSBURGH, October 13, 2014 – Last week was a historic week of victories for same-sex couples across the nation as 8 more states, West Virginia, Alaska, Utah, Virginia, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Indiana won the right to marry. The courts struck down the bans to marry in these states, expanding the rights for same-sex couples to marry in over half of the country. Within hours, county clerks in those states were issuing marriage licenses to couples who had been waiting for a decision to come down. Additionally, 4 more states in the 10th circuit and 4th circuit are on the verge of marriage equality as well. Colorado, Kansas, South Carolina, and Wyoming have cases pending verdicts and are expected to overturn their marriage bans in the near future. To celebrate these rulings attorney and CPA, James Lange is offering Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich for free for a limited time on his web site, www.samesex-equalrights.com.

Pittsburgh LGBT Ally James Lange of Lange Financial Group, LLC has been working to help same-sex couples understand and take advantage of the tax and Social Security laws since 2002, but his campaign was re-energized when the Windsor case was decided in 2013. The laws and regulations for estate planning, tax planning, and Social Security planning have changed so significantly for same-sex couples over the last year that Jim has dedicated a large portion of his firm’s time and funds toward writing a book on gay retirement planning. Retire Secure! for Same Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich can be downloaded for FREE by going to www.samesex-equalrights.com before October 31st.

Along with the ability to get married, Lange suggests that there are many other points couples in states with marriage rights or on the verge of those rights should consider. “Married same-sex couples who live in states that recognize same-marriages will now be able to enjoy significant Social Security marital benefits and estate planning benefits, particularly if one member of the couples has a significant IRA or retirement plan,” says Lange, author of the book, Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich. Mr. Lange offers four tips for same-sex couples:

  1. Go Into Marriage with Your Financial Eyes Wide Open. The couples who will benefit the most financially will likely be same-sex couples in their 60s or older where at least one person of the couple has a significant IRA or retirement plan. Some other couples will actually do worse financially. Finances are an important, though not exclusive, reason to get married or stay unmarried. If you are already married, speak to a tax advisor to take advantage of all the marital benefits.
  2. Consider How Marriage Affects Social Security Benefits. For many couples, one result of marriage is the opportunity to collect a much higher Social Security benefit. If you qualify and it is appropriate in your situation, apply for Social Security spousal benefits. There is a fantastic technique called “apply and suspend,” which is newly available to many same-sex couples in states that have recently changed their laws and to many residents of states that already afforded marriage rights. Most Social Security recipients, however, do not understand all of the possible spousal benefits of Social Security. There are significant advantages while both spouses are alive and after the first spouse dies.       Find out the enormous financial benefits for free by going to www.samesex-equalrights.com before October 31st.
  3. Marriage and IRA and Retirement Planning. Regardless of your state of residence, as long as you were married in a state that recognizes same-sex marriages, you and your spouse will enjoy significant tax benefits on inheriting an IRA or a retirement plan.
  4. Seek Professional Advice. As with all important financial decisions, Lange suggests that couples speak with a qualified retirement and estate advisor, preferably a CPA, as well as an attorney who works with same-sex couples. “Couples need to be sure they have all the knowledge they can to prepare for their financial lives as a married couple,” says Lange. For more information about how to get a FREE copy of Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich or for information on how to schedule a meeting or media interview with James Lange visit www.samesex-equalrights.comor call 412-521-2732.

About Jim Lange

James Lange, CPA/Attorney has been helping same-sex couples since 2002. He is a nationally recognized Roth IRA and retirement plan distribution expert and understands the best techniques for married couples to get the most out of Social Security. The combination of his financial expertise as well as an understanding of the changing legal status of same-sex marriage makes Jim the logical person to write and now offer for free Retire Secure! for Same-Sex Couples: Live Gay, Retire Rich which can be downloaded at www.samesex-equalrights.com before October 31st.

He’s also the best-selling author of the first and second edition of Retire Secure! with dozens of testimonials from the nation’s top IRA, investment, and estate planning experts and The Roth Revolution: Pay Taxes Once and Never Again.

Jim’s recommendations have appeared 32 times in The Wall Street Journal, 23 times in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, The New York Times, Newsweek, Money magazine, Smart Money and Reader’s Digest. His articles have appeared in The Journal of Retirement Planning, Financial Planning, The Tax Adviser (AICPA), and other top publications. His article, Optimizing Social Security Benefits for Unmarried Couples, was just published in Trusts & Estates magazine this August.

Media Contact: Amanda Cassady-Schweinsberg, 412-521-2732

SOURCE: James Lange, CPA/Attorney